Okay,what makes you think that this is NOT art?Your review didn't point that out,so feel free to do so in your reply.
Joined on 12/31/14
Okay,what makes you think that this is NOT art?Your review didn't point that out,so feel free to do so in your reply.
Well your spose to get scouted when you show improvement over time.
When you get better and better.
This persons Art and style seems quite static.
I mean you are a mega moderator lt general.
I dont wana say nasty things about ng thats not what im saying I just feel like the system is flawed.
I just think the system is easy to abuse and imo
Its very evident.
And I dont wana bash a particular artist like fukamundo.
Wheres the improvement how come the dude got scouted after his first few pieces??
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Im gona get banned for having an opinion??
You moderators are scary ppl you come out of the woodwork when someone mentions a flaw in the system.
Should I just close down this post or are you guys gona remove it??
Ah,so what you are saying that if a person improves,then he/she deserves to be in the art portal?Did you try messaging the fellow on how he/she can improve?
Yes I did they told me about the art portal and that its about improving and getting better. That was from the person I pointed out I just said thanks. Its not a gripe with the artists its a gripe with the system I feel its easily abused.
Are you paranoid or something, anyone can respond to your post :3
But why use that analogy.
Its sounds like a threat.
I mean ive never had moderators ever come along to any of my other 29 posts?
It's just the first thing that came to my mind on account of the person you linked to who to me looks like they draw differently from yourself but not particularly better or worse judging by your uploads.
I'm not a moderator, i just read post headline and i was curious about your opinion because i think the art portal is more then a bit confusing too, go look at my stats the overwhelming majority of my faves and people i follow are artists.
Didn't mean to step on your toes or anything.
Thats kool just the analogy I didnt mean to pick a particular artist the other guy asked for an example.
And nothing against the dudes art I just found it weird that I was told its about improvement and getting better and your scouted.
I was just pointing out that I feel the system is easily abused if you have pals that have been scouted.
And sorry when I see badges I get paranoid I dont know what it means just get spooked ha.
An animator here told me that an artist's first pieces are always bad or they do not turn out as well as you thought,so just give enough time and any artist will get better;it's like growing plants.
The point is that to ng theres spose to be an evident growth in the artist before being scouted.
In this case this artist was scouted by a good friend.
Not out of improvement.
Maybe you'll let it be that way,then,or try messaging the artist again to start a conversation.
The artist sent me a message going why and I told him its because I believed he got a buddy to scout him.
He hasnt replied back im just going to leave it at that but as I said I was just saying I think the system is fairly flawed and easily abused.
Did you message to Mr Fulp about this?
I did no response
Why not share your thoughts by making a post in the forums?
I dont want to start a war or get banned or anything.
That is if the matter still bothers you,or else you can let it rest.
Nah,it won't turn out like that,there will just be some disagreement.
Its ok im just gona get back to doing my art and animating
Good luck and have fun!Maybe I'll drop by and see your work!
Actually,it kinda happens in the other portals too.Anyway,who are we to define what's really ART?It could be anything or everything(or as the Newgrounds motto goes 'Everything by Everyone''),so how are we going to argue against this?It's the nature of this site,so it's no surprise but everyone has their opinions.
TheMightyCelt (Updated )
Heres one
A system like that cant be flawless it has a lot of petentional for buddy buddy access to the portal.
But art is opinionated.