Buddies first game the man has a tremor cant hold a pencil straight used a tutorial to ge the base of his game done.
And one fucking asshole dares to say its stolen its the fucking same as saying call of duty is stealing from doom.
Wasnt sure to reply or ignore but had to say something for my buddies sake.
You did the right thing. There are a ton of dickheads out there i know because I've had to deal with them for my whole life just because I've a learning disability, and it's always the same she wont be able to do this or do that but I've proved them all wrong time and time again.Tell your friend he did a great job on the game and not to mind what people say there just jealous that they cant make a game as good as that.
There was just one dickhead I appreciate the support theres fucking assholes everywhere.
Especially landlords they are the biggest dickheads.